Conventional Energy

The conventional energy refers to energy sources that have been widely used for a long time and are the primary sources of energy in most parts of the world. These sources are typically derived from fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas, as well as from nuclear power.

While facing environmental and resource limitations,  the conventional energy industry plays a crucial role in the current global energy landscape.

As we move towards a more sustainable future, navigating the transition requires a balanced approach/

Oil is typically extracted from underground reservoirs through drilling operations and can be refined into various products such as gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel. Oil is transported via pipelines, tankers, and other means.

Nuclear energy is another significant source of energy, generated by the process of nuclear fission. This involves splitting atoms, releasing a large amount of heat energy that can be used to generate electricity.

Natural Gas is a versatile fossil fuel that can be used for various purposes, including heating, cooking, and generating electricity. It is often transported through long pipelines and can be stored underground in depleted gas reservoirs.

Mining refers to the process of extracting valuable minerals or other geological materials from the Earth. While not directly an energy source itself, mined resources like uranium (used in nuclear power) and coal (a fossil fuel) are crucial

Discover our Conventional projects references

By Eric Looten 16 Apr, 2024
Kaminho, an FPSO project in Angola! The fields are expected to pump out 80 000 barrel per day
By Eric Looten 02 Apr, 2024
CLOV 3, an EPCI SURF project in Angola! A subsea tie-back to the existing CLOV FPSO to develop additional production
By Eric Looten 02 Apr, 2024
CP2, an LNG Export Terminal project in the USA (Mississipi river)! The development of an LNG terminal and the CP Express natural gas pipeline
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